BREASTFEEDING A JOURNEY WORTH TAKING by Teresa GumapasDumadag Feast Books Paperback

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Are you curious about breastfeeding? Do you want to give it a try? Are you wondering if you can do it given your circumstances? Or are you already breastfeeding your child but unsure if you can achieve your breastfeeding goal?

This book is for you, Mom.

Aside from sharing her own breastfeeding story, Teresa Gumap-as Dumadag gathered in this book real moms from different walks of lifeÐstay-at-home moms, work-at-home moms, moms working outside the home and mompreneurs.

What do these moms have in common? They all chose to breastfeed their babies, went through breastfeeding challenges, and succeeded in reaching their breastfeeding goals. These moms share their stories to encourage other moms to believe that moms were amazingly and miraculously made by God to bless and nourish their kids through breastfeeding; and that they too can overcome whatever challenges they would experience along the way.

Let their stories inspire you, move you and empower you; so that one day it will be your turn to share your own breastfeeding success story to the world!

Breastfeeding can be challenging. But in spite of the humps on the the road, breastfeeding is a journey definitely worth taking!