You are known and loved before anyoneknew your name.
ThatÕs hard to imagine in a world thatÕs getting more and more connectedthrough technology while fostering virtual, shallow relationships. We are fastlosing our ability to be intimate.
ThatÕs why Fr. Bob McConaghyÕs book is timely. He reminds us thatGod loves us intimately and calls us to draw closer to Him. God wants tospend time with us. He wants us to know Him in a deeper way. And the wayto do that is through prayer.
In these pages, you will learn to:
¥ Pray even when you donÕt feel like it
¥ Unleash the redemptive power of suffering
¥ Make sense of GodÕs answer when He seems to be saying no toyour prayer
¥ Grow your soul even during painful times
¥ Appreciate the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist as you havenever done before
And many more truths that will make prayer a joyful and personalexperience with the Living Lord.